Saturday, August 22, 2009

Shifting Colors

Stoic-faced responsibility, swirling black and white through my mind. Debt; betrayal; boredom; an endless cycle. Suddenly something changes, my mind goes technicolor like a painter's wheel. A new world, a new future dawns on me. Rapid typing, the steady flow of pretty words. Love, billowing ivory in the summer sun. A whole new life. A whole new beginning.

Inspired by Sunday Scribblings.


  1. Adulthood is all of it. The darkness and the light.

    Although it's written like prose, I would call this a free form poem. And love it.

  2. Sometimes I think kids see the world in colour, wheras 'adults' only see it in black and white...

  3. I like the juxtaposition of boredom and betrayal. Both part of adult life, and they seem like they should cancel each other out (how can you be bored when you're dealing with the heartache of betrayal?), but they don't.

  4. And then back again! Wonderful word selection.

  5. I honestly believe true adulthood is simply knowing when to act like a child, and when to act like responsibly. We have endless opportunities to let loose and enjoy ourselves without harm to us or others, but we often forgo the chance because we feel obligated to maintain a state of decorum imposed on us by societal expectations. A shame, really. If no harm is done, what is the problem with having fun?
