I don't feel like climbing to my apartment so I light a cigarette. I leave the main door open just enough for a shred of sunlight to die before me and to allow myself a small glimpse of "life" out there.
There is a picture above that door. Something with nature or animals or whatever. I hate it. I've demanded it be stripped from the wall but apparently the other tenants think it "livens up their day" or some shit like that.
But I guess that picture's all I have to look at now. Well, that and the random crap. But I guess that's life for me now. Life, or rather death.
Inspired by Thursday Tales: http://talesthursday.blogspot.com/2011/05/tale-60.html
Image for inspiration found here: http://hidlight.deviantart.com/art/cigarettes-and-lonely-man-169106281